

52 Uppsatser om Eurocode 5 - Sida 1 av 4

Dimensionering av betongkonstruktioner : En jämförande studie av BBK 04 och Eurokod 2 vid dimensionering av balkar och pelare

Today, we use BKR and BBK 04 when designing concrete structures inSweden, which will, in the near future, be replaced by Eurocode 2. When you are designing buildings, you will use Eurocode 2 Part 1-1 and with this new standard, some new rules and general rules will be necessary to adopt. To examine how BKR and BBK 04 tells apart from Eurocode 2 when designing concrete structures, one beam and one column with often common dimensions, is studied. The beam is designed with consideration of (considerate to) durability at bending moments, shear forces and control of cracking. The column is designed with consideration of durability at eccentric axial load and bending moments in cross section on account of (due to) geometric imperfections. BBK 04 has gone one step closer to Eurocode 2 than earlier editions and the things that are different, when calculating reinforcement, is how they use the partial factors.

Samverkanspelare i icke bärande fasadelement

AbstractThe tests work is about the subject "synergism of steel and concrete."The construction sector is in a strong competition and the different companies in the PrefabMarket has ever tried to develop new design solutions that are efficient and environmentallyfriendly.The purpose of this report is to highlight different aspects of interaction and size up a columndimension and to examine its efficiency and load capacity as Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 4. A sizing chart that describes the relationship between the torque and normal force shouldalso be made of the interaction . .


?Boverket? the Design Regulations in Sweden, also called BKR has for a long timebeen the mandatory standard that has guided and regulated construction design. Butat the end of 2010 BKR was replaced with Eurocode. This report deals with thecomparison of these two standards when it comes to wood construction. Duringwinter 2009/2010 there were many roof collapses due to excessive loads on theroofs across Sweden.

Plattgrundläggning enligt Implementeringskommissionen för Europastandarder inom Geoteknik

Den förste januari 2011 blev det obligatoriskt att i Sverige följa dimensioneringsförskrifterna Eurocode 7 vid dimensionering av geokonstruktioner. Eurocode är ett resultatet av det Europeiska standardiseringsorganet CEN?s arbete med att ta fram gemensamma regler för hela Europa.Eurocode ersatte BKR som tidigare var de normativa föreskrifterna som gällde i Sverige och med detta skifte startades arbetet med att implementera de nya reglerna fullt ut bland de svenska konstruktörerna.På uppdrag av ett lokalt företag har det jämförts och lokaliserat ändringar som gjorts mellan de nya reglerna i bilaga D och de regler som ska appliceras i Sverige. Det har även konstruerats ett beräkningsprogram som dimensionerar grundfundament enligt de nya reglerna som föreskrivs i Eurocode 7, utifrån IEG?s hänvisningar.Resultatet från undersökningen visar att de nya dimensioneringsföreskrifterna från EU inte innebar en så stor skillnad från BKR?s regler som först troddes utan den gav stor frihet till att räkna med de metoder som respektive land själva väljer.

Eurocodes : Beräkningsjämförelser mellan eurocodes och BKR

In the year 2010 a transition will take place here in Sweden from the present rules how to dimension buildings in to the common rules with have been developed in Europe, the Eurocodes. Eurocode is the term for a collection standard that contains calculation rules in how to dimension constructions and buildings. They are developed by the European standardize committee.The purpose with this examination work is to get an insight of what changes this will contribute to, and how it will affect the dimensioning. Are there going to be any differences in the dimension you finally chose?To investigate these possible differences two constructions will be calculated first in the present Swedish rules, and then in the coming eurocodes.One of these two constructions will be build completely in steel, while the other will be build completely in concrete.

Jämförelse mellan BKR/BSK och Eurokoders behandling av utmattning i traversbalkar med tillhörande svetsfogar

This report has been performed for WSP Construction Design located at Arenavägen 7 in Stockholm. WSP Construction Design is one of the leading departments in Sweden in construction solutions regarding everything from building construction to industrial building. Great competencies regarding steel, wood and concrete constructions are available within the department which is well sought.Crane girders used in the industry are exposed to large loads that vary over time that includes instantaneous lifts and the crane girders movement which lead to the phenomenon fatigue in the crane girder and its ingoing welds. A control of fatigue needs to be performed after a certain lifespan measured in time which in turn is converted to a number of loadcycles. When the number of loadcycles amounts to a greater number the input welds resistance will have been reduced and the rate of utilization thereby increased.

Vidhäftning mellan prefabelement och pågjutningsbetong : Undersökning hur skrovligheten påverkar vidhäftningskapaciteten vid skjuvning

Self-compacting concrete has soon been around for a decade. Recently the prefabrication industry has started to use this fairly new concrete type in larger scales, mainly because of its distinctive properties.  There are still certain areas that need to be thoroughly examined, such as bond capacity. There have been very few studies regarding shear capacity due to the fact that the procedure is complicated.This report will highlight a method to examine the shear capacity of different surfaces that have been prewetted as well as non-prewetted surfaces. The surface areas follow BBK 04?s and Eurocode 2?s demand for surface roughness.  A smooth surface will be completed in order to confirm if the different shapes influence the bond strength by shear stress or not.                       The purpose of this essay is to measure the bond strength within the shear capacity as well as examine the impact it has on surface roughness and treatment for shear bond.The method used to identify the shear capacity is called L-shaped Push-Off Test.

Momentbärförmåga för semikompakta ståltvärsnitt av HSQ-balkar : En modell för interpolering mellan eurokodens klass 2 och 3

The current standards for design of steel beams are divided into four classes based on the slenderness of cross-sectional parts. Depending on the section class a beams load capacity is either determined by a plastic, elastic or a reduced elastic model. The division between cross-sections calculated by a plastic and an elastic model is today done in a very harsh way with no smooth transition. This leads to a large difference in the calculated resistance for the sections located near the class limits. Elasto-plastic sections are in the current situation calculated as purely elastic and their large plastic reserve is not considered in the current standards.

Krympning och krypning av STT/F-bjälklagselement : en jämförelse mellan verkliga effekter och beräkning enligt Eurocode 2

Detta examensarbete behandlar STT/F-bjälklagselementens krympning och krypning. Arbetet har utförts på uppdrag av Strängbetong AB, med Örjan Pettersson som initiativtagare och handledare.STT/F-bjälklagselement är en prefabricerad förspänd betongprodukt bestående av två spända balkar med en ovanpåliggande armerad platta. De används som bjälklag i yttertakskonstruktioner och har, tack vare tunna balkliv och en sadelformad platta, låg vikt och kan uppnå spännvidder närmare 30 meter.Förspända element förändras efter gjutning på grund av krympning, krypning samt stålets relaxation. Förutsättningarna varierar med bland annat olika betongkvalitet, förspänningsnivå, temperatur och luftfuktighet. Vid dimensionering tas hänsyn till dessa parametrar för att säkerställa maximal spännvidd och upplagslängd.

Inverkan av försvagningar på bärförmåga för stålbalkar med långa spännvidder : En jämförelse mellan Eurokod och BKR

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the degree of influence of holes in the web of steel beams with long spanson weakening of their bearing capacity. Making holes in the web of the beam generally reduces the bearing capacity of the beam. However, it might be necessary seen from both an architectural perspective as well as from a building services perspective by creating an opportunity for building installations.The objective of this thesis is to examine how much an I-beam can be weakened without sacrificing safety and functionality. The investigation has been done by using Finite Element Method through commercial software.The regulation for structural design of building structures in Sweden used to be specified in the document known as BKR. But this was replaced by the European norm Eurocode back in May 2011.

Dimensionering av curlinghall, En jämförande studie av BKR och Eurocode

The purpose of this report was to investigate what characterizes a good psychosocialwork environment, and whether it may have impact on a vessel's safe voyage. Thisreport is proposed to increase the understanding of what creates a good psychosocialwork environment and its potential effect on safety at sea. In order to find out thesuccess factors for a good work environment group interviews were conducted in socalledunstructured focus groups. During these conversations, the participants discussedfreely by the question "what is a good psychosocial work environment for you?? Thesuccess factors were thereafter applied on selected accident reports, to investigate theextent to which they were represented and taken into account.The results of the study show three categories of factors: colleagues, communicationand competence, where colleagues are the main contribution to a good psychosocialwork environment.

Framtagning av ny lager layout hos Allied Motion Stockholm AB - En studie om effektivisering av lager och intern materialflöde

This report is about the shear force design of reinforced concrete according to Europe?s common dimension rules, Eurocode. The purpose is to describe the calculation procedure and the background to the formulas and expressions that occurs. Furthermore results from different calculation methods (hand calculations and computer calculations) will be compared to see how they differ.The goal with this is to go through the parts of Eurocode dealing with shear force and that this will lead to a clear review of these. You should also be able to see how results and the calculation procedure differ between different calculation methods.

Tvärkraftsdimensionering av armerad betong : En utredning av beräkningsförfarandet

This report is about the shear force design of reinforced concrete according to Europe?s common dimension rules, Eurocode. The purpose is to describe the calculation procedure and the background to the formulas and expressions that occurs. Furthermore results from different calculation methods (hand calculations and computer calculations) will be compared to see how they differ.The goal with this is to go through the parts of Eurocode dealing with shear force and that this will lead to a clear review of these. You should also be able to see how results and the calculation procedure differ between different calculation methods.

Frå BKR till Eurokod : Dimensionering i Eurokod

From January 1st 2011 the use of Eurocode will be mandatory for all constructionprojects. Eurocode is the common European set of struc-tural design codes which willreplace BKR (Boverkets Kon-struktionsregler). BKR is the Swedish set of structuraldesign codes that was used up until December 31 2010. For consulting firms this willcre-ate a need for them to invest in the standards and in education for thecoworkers. This will involve both time and costs for the company.The purpose and aim of this master thesis is the development of compute examplesand calculations aid by dimensioning with Euro-code.

Övergång till Europastandard inom geoteknik

Den första januari 2011 blir den Svenska övergången till Eurocode inom Geoteknik mer definitiv i samband med att Boverket antar det nya regelverket. Geotekniska handläggare och fält-/labtekniker får i och med övergången ett nytt ramverk för rapportering och redovisning att arbeta efter. Den nya standarden kommer leda till en förbättrad kvalité på arbetet då kraven på redovisningens innehåll samt tillgänglighet ökar. Den kommer även befrämja den fria marknaden, både nationellt och internationellt. Det rapporteringssystem som i dagsläget används kommer ersättas av ett nytt som innefattar fem olika dokumenttyper.

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